Bye, bye conformity and "bright and fresh nordic minimalism"!
99,9% out of Swedish newly produced apartments for sale are promoted and designed with blinding white walls, interiors and minimalistic furniture. But what about everyone with other preferences, roots, cultural heritage, taste and ideas of what makes a home a home?
To break this norm and manifest an initiative to create an inclusive idea of home and propose an alternative to the more commonly known minimalist Swedish aesthetic we invited some of Latin America and Lebanon's most interesting interior designers. We asked them create their visions of a modern, inclusive, playful and family apartment from their own perspective and cultural heritage in Riksbyggen's properties.
The interior designs were promoted in ads and to experience at open houses and gained a lot of attention from the international interiors press and in social media.
Awarded with gold in The Swedish Design Awards.
Standard imagery for newly built apartments for sale by developer.

Bright white, cream white, some greyish white and a dash of beige...

"The space features an irreverent use of color, textures, and a certain degree of irony and playfulness, managing to destructure the Nordic style" — Grisanti & Cussen

Brf aftonfalken by Hugo and kana of grissanti & Cussen, Santiago, Chile

Brf framsidan by Nathalie harb, Beirut, Lebanon

"An assemblage of objects, material and patterns, creating an atmosphere that I have been developing throughout the years, testing it in my own living space." — Nathalie Harb

Selection of media outputs

Print and social ads. And Chilean design press.